Hachiko – 100th Birthday Celebrations


In November 2023, admirers of the dog ‘Hachiko’ will celebrate the 100th year after his birth. Locals of his birthplace Odate, Akita Prefecture are organising Hachiko Week to mark a century since Hachiko was born in 1923. He died in 1933. He is regarded as …

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Dog bites are more common in the warmer weather

20 per cent increase in dog bites in UK over past 20 years

A study has found that dog bites are more common in warmer weather. This correlates with the fact that humans generally are more aggressive during warmer weather (more boozing?!). It also correlates with revolutions anecdotally appearing to happen more in the summer (good weather makes …

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Dog demonstrates rational thought, commonsense, empathy and altruism in saving another dog from drowning

Dog demonstrates altruism, commonsense, rational thought and empathy in saving another dog from drowning

Sentience? Who questions that dogs are not sentient? Perhaps not many people but a lot of people don’t give it any thought or insufficient thought. A lot of people don’t know what the word means. And this little video reminds us that dogs are very …

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“She’s my heart. She fits right on it” – man talks about his dog

Three great brothers

The words used by this great guy are so intense in describing his relationship with one of his two dogs. He’s talking about his deaf dog who looks after his other dog who is deaf and blind. It’s amazing. He uses sign language to communicate …

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Picture of a boy praying with his dog lifts the spirit

Photo of a dog praying with a boy

In a sombre world where many things are happening which can make us anxious and despondent such as the pandemic and the Ukraine war, we need this kind of photograph to lift our spirits and remind ourselves that there is a lot of good stuff …

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Why don’t abused dogs turn on and attack their abusive owners?

She just wants to love on everybody now she's been saved from her abusive owner

The reason why I have asked the question in the title is because I see too many dog rescue videos in which the narrative is that the dog has been abused by their previous owner. The dog has been rescued and is going through a …

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Right-sided dog tail wagging is a sign of contentment

Dog tail wagging

Researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing have come to the conclusion that right-sided tail wagging in dogs is a sign of contentment. They also decided that right-sided wagging is linked to the left side of the brain where positive emotions are processed. …

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Post Category: Dogs > dog behaviour