Woman bought a £600 ‘purebred’ French bulldog online and received an undershot-jawed mongrel

Undershot jaw mongrel

NEWS AND COMMENT-HUDDERSFIELD: Bethany Cupples bought what she thought was a French bulldog puppy online, on Gumtree. The puppy was for sale at the bargain price of £600. During Covid, French bulldogs have been on sale for £3,000 and perhaps even more. So, no doubt …

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Awesome couple only adopt special needs rescue dogs (and lots of them)

Chris and Mariesa with their special needs dogs

Chris and Mariesa Hughes live with 19 dogs and all of them are special needs. They run a very interesting and loving charity. They take dogs from rescue centres that are medically challenged and find foster homes for them but they pay all the medical …

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Post Category: Dogs > dog adoption