NEWS AND COMMENT: Well, the last dogs she had were given to her by her wayward son the Duke of York, Prince Andrew (and his daughters I believe) who incidentally was said to be her favourite son. Shame. That indicates poor judgement, and she was …
NEWS AND COMMENT-UK: During Covid market forces pushed up dog prices significantly. More people wanted to adopt a dog and the supply wasn’t there until illegal breeders on the continent of Europe stepped in. But in general, there were more buyers than sellers and so …
NEWS AND COMMENT-HUDDERSFIELD: Bethany Cupples bought what she thought was a French bulldog puppy online, on Gumtree. The puppy was for sale at the bargain price of £600. During Covid, French bulldogs have been on sale for £3,000 and perhaps even more. So, no doubt …
I’ve seen this happen with cats. Extremely rarely an individual walks into an animal shelter and expressly picks out the most unpopular, sickest, unadoptable, oldest, undesirable animal in the shelter and adopt him or her. It’s almost the exact opposite what nearly everybody else does. …
Do you think that shelter dogs pick the human with which they want to live? They certainly have a say in it because it is very easy to come across stories where timid shelter dogs have temporarily come out of their shells and approached an …
Pictures of players from Russia’s Zenit St Petersburg football team went viral after they carried dogs from local shelters onto the field to promote adoption.
Chris and Mariesa Hughes live with 19 dogs and all of them are special needs. They run a very interesting and loving charity. They take dogs from rescue centres that are medically challenged and find foster homes for them but they pay all the medical …
UK (BUT MAYBE ELSEWHERE TOO): I’m going to think aloud. These are some thoughts about avoiding being scammed when buying a dog or cat from a breeder. Why am I doing this? You may have heard that there has been a massive upsurge in scams …
Farmers are blaming irresponsible dog ownership (and breeding) which in part is due to the surge in dog adoptions during the pandemic lockdowns. It is thought that these dog adopters are not fully prepared for the role of dog caretaker so it appears that they …