The US Food And Drug Administration federal agency (FDA) released their initial findings regarding grain free diets on Thursday, June 27. This is a reference to grain free pet food diets. The Cuyahoga Falls veterinary practice usefully discusses this topic. They say that there is …
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Dogs eat grass for roughage and vitamin B9 in following their wolf ancestors
There is criticism of Lewis Hamilton feeding his British bulldog a vegan diet in line with his own diet. He very much supports veganism. He said that his British bulldog, Roscoe, suffered with skin allergies, breathing problems and that his joints would hurt. Three months …
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Wolves don’t deliberately fast to improve their health so why should we fast dogs?
Carrots are a perfectly good food for dogs. They are a low-calorie source of food, high in fibre to aid digestion and they can help prevent dental disease. It is recommended that you chop them up. I’m not sure that that advice is always correct …
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My research indicates that a dog should eat a minimum of 4% protein by weight but other sources tell me this figure should be nearer 18%.
Note: sources for news articles are carefully selected but the news is often not independently verified.At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.