Picture of dog who survived Russia’s genocidal attacks on civilians breaks my heart

A dog that miraculously survived today’s attacks lies in the ruins of the house in which his owners died

The caption to the picture by the Defense of Ukraine is: Left alone. A dog that miraculously survived today’s attacks lies in the ruins of the house in which his owners died. 5 civilians were killed as a result of Russia’s missile strike in Zolochiv …

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With the sound of artillery going off in the background this Ukraine soldier thinks of a dog and his daughter

Ukrainian soldier finds a dog and wants to see this dog again while he also thinks of his daughter

This Ukrainian soldier is videoing himself as he walks along. He describes his feelings for his daughter and a stray, gentle dog who wanted to be with him. I really hope that he managed to find this dog again. It seems farfetched to expect the …

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The catastrophe of irresponsible dog purchases during Covid and the consequences

Dogs 4 Rescue Manchester

I have just been listening to the Clive Bull’s radio show on LBC and he was speaking with Stan Rawlinson, one of the UK’s best-known dog behaviourists who painted a black picture of the current situation regarding dog ownership in the UK. He said that …

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Post Category: Dogs > abandoned