Cultural sensitivities allow Vietnamese dog meat traders to barbarically kill dogs

Dog in cage in Vietnam waiting to be brutally slaughtered for their flesh to feed humans

Twitter understands me! Whenever I go to Twitter, they offer up to me images that incense me. They drive me to blog about them. To rage inside. To cry inside. To feel powerless. To feel impotent. I can’t stop this Vietnamese dog cruelty. Just writing …

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Everyone needs to learn about speciesism and ask tough questions


Is speciesism at the root of the human-to-animal problem; the abuse and cruelty? And, from my perspective, there is a problem with our relationship with animals. Not all of it is bad that’s obvious because there are hundreds of millions of great people who are …

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Leopard-print $26m home of Ivana Trump won’t sell. Thoughts on why.

The sitting room showing leopard-print furnishings

The Times reports on the struggle to sell the house where Ivana Trump lived in New York city. It has been on sale for five months and it has failed to find a buyer. A visitor said that walking into the house is like stepping …

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At heart this site is about ANTHROPOCENTRISM meaning a human-centric world.

Post Category: Cats > abuse