No-pet rental clauses to be outlawed UK
A law is being introduced in the UK to prevent landlords from stopping renters living with their cats and dogs.
A law is being introduced in the UK to prevent landlords from stopping renters living with their cats and dogs.
The RSPCA and the City Of London Corporation are two organisations calling for dog walkers to be regulated because it’s getting out of hand. Some dog walkers are perhaps unsuited to the job and some walk up to 10 dogs at one time which questions …
All sturgeon caught in British waters belong to the monarch under a 1324 statute
Yesterday, the French government announced plans to ban the breeding of mink in France and the outlawing of wild animals in travelling circuses under improved animal welfare measures. There are four surviving mink farms in France and they will be closed within five years. Circuses …
In the UK in 2019 there was a change in the law regarding animals in entertainment which means that actors cannot handle animals like a true veterinarian because to do so would be to do something to an animal that it doesn’t require and the …