Is Doberman ear cropping legal and how do they do it?

Is Doberman ear cropping legal?

This is a complicated question because the law varies on a country-by-country basis and there may be variations in the law at a state or perhaps county level in some countries such as the USA. In general terms, in the UK it is illegal for …

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3 US representatives introduce bill to ban cyanide bombs

M-44 Device, Guy Connolly, US, Department of Agriculture National

NEW AND VIEWS – UNITED STATES: What is a cyanide bomb? It sounds obnoxious and it is. It’s spring-loaded device filled with sodium cyanide used to kill predatory animals and ‘pest species’. The Center for Biological Diversity tells me that cyanide bombs are used under …

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Is China trying to produce animal serial killers?!

Young serial killers of China

This short video is on Twitter where there is a lot freedom thanks to Elon Musk to publish videos that would be barred on sites such as mine because my hosting company don’t allow it. People don’t realise how heavily I am censored by a …

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Culture change in China desired as indicated by support of fan’s football pitch invasion

Security guards enjoying the moment

An 18-year-old football fan who idolises Lionel Messi, the world’s most famous and perhaps most talented footballer and an Argentinian team member, has captured the imagination of the Chinese public by bravely jumping down from the stands in a dangerous manoeuvre and running onto the …

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The Lords of England are against a ban on the importation of hunting trophies

Ban trophy hunting imports. The UK wants it to happen now.

NEWS AND VIEWS: This genuinely irritates me to my core. The UK government is trying to pass a law which bans the importation of hunting trophies as trophy hunting is cruel and an activity which is of a bygone age. It negatively impacts conservation in …

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Barbaric tradition of setting a bull’s horns alight leaves one man seriously injured

This is a Spanish tradition. As I have said many times before ‘cultural traditions’ in any country should be dumped or banned if they constitute animal cruelty by any decent measure and/or if they are dangerous for the participants. Often cultural traditions go back hundreds …

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This is how baby bears are trained for the circus

Young bears being trained for the circus in the most cruel way (China).

Well, depressing as it is, bears are still performing in some circuses. Many circuses have dispensed with animal performers because it has been banned and of course it is cruel as the training of these young bears shows. I sense that most of these objectionable …

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2023: we are living through the dark ages right now in respect of animal welfare

Pig killed in brutal way on a British intensive farm

Yes, I know that in the year 2023 there is a lot of good animal welfare law, a lot of good people who are concerned about animal welfare, a lot of good people who campaign for animal welfare. But set against that goodness, even in …

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Ontario’s extremist sport hunters enjoy ‘penned dog hunting’

Penned dog hunting in Ontario is cruel and objectionable

This is another form of gratuitous violence against wild animals enjoyed by a small section of society in Ontario, Canada; the extremist sport hunters. They are a blood thirsty lot, aren’t they? Without morals and any vestige of sensitivity towards the sentience of animals. Their …

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Post Category: Animal laws