How can the 10-day dog meat market in Yulin be called a FESTIVAL!?

Yulin cat and dog meat festival

Twitter tweet says: #Yulin 2023, 21st June to 30th June, 10 days where eating dogs becomes a ‘festival’. The dog meat trade occurs every day but during these dates torture and killing is celebrated by this ‘festival’. This tweet opened my eyes on the bizarre …

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What’s wrong with humans? Two tweets of animal cruelty.

What is wrong with humans?

Twitter feeds a customised list of tweets to users. I know that. But it doesn’t make it any easier to digest. What is wrong with humans that they have to be so consistently cruel to animals? A lot of people don’t think about animal cruelty …

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Culture change in China desired as indicated by support of fan’s football pitch invasion

Security guards enjoying the moment

An 18-year-old football fan who idolises Lionel Messi, the world’s most famous and perhaps most talented footballer and an Argentinian team member, has captured the imagination of the Chinese public by bravely jumping down from the stands in a dangerous manoeuvre and running onto the …

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“Opposing dog meat consumption is hypocritical” – Weibo users discuss dog meat

Yulin cat and dog meat festival

In China an estimated 10 million to 20 million dogs are killed annually for the dog meat industry in the country. In the UK around 10 million pigs are killed annually for consumption. This statistic provides a comparison. Dogs in China can be considered to …

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Dog demonstrates rational thought, commonsense, empathy and altruism in saving another dog from drowning

Dog demonstrates altruism, commonsense, rational thought and empathy in saving another dog from drowning

Sentience? Who questions that dogs are not sentient? Perhaps not many people but a lot of people don’t give it any thought or insufficient thought. A lot of people don’t know what the word means. And this little video reminds us that dogs are very …

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25,000-30,000 dogs are being slaughtered DAILY for food in China

Dogs on the way to their brutal deaths at a dog meat market in China

It is estimated that 25,000-30,000 dogs are being slaughtered DAILY for food in China, the world’s largest consumer of dog meat (source: This truck was seen on Shanxi Yuncheng Expressway, May 23rd 2023. What do people in general thing about this? I know that …

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