3 cheetah cubs play with gazelle fawn before baboon steals and kills it

This is raw nature at work. It is a reminder of how terrible nature can seem through human eyes. Psychopathic nature. No conscience. Just survival. The three cheetah cubs enjoy playing with the fawn. It is not a pleasant type of play but hunting play. They are playing with the animal as if they are playing with a toy. They bite the animal and then chased after it. The gazelle fawn is clearly terrified and rightly so. But before they can kill the gazelle fawn a large baboon comes along and shoos the young cheetahs away, goes up to the gazelle, bites it, kills it and carries it off. End of story. As I said, raw nature at play and for me it is frankly unpleasant but it is all around us. It’s how evolution has worked. It’s a reminder that everything that humankind does is also the end result of evolution. And it, too, is probably equally cruel if not more so.

Note: This is a video from another website which is embedded here. Sometimes they are deleted at source which stops them working on this site. If that has happened, I apologise but I have no control over it.

RELATED: Do lions kill and eat cheetahs?

Cheetah cubs play with gazelle fawn until baboon steels it and kills it
Cheetah cubs play with gazelle fawn until baboon steels it and kills it. Screenshot.
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Post Category: Cats > hunting